Have You a Body?
Then Yoga is for You!
Pedro Kupfer
Our body is our home: it doesn’t matter if you are young or old, healthy or sick, rigid or bending, thin or fat, handsome or ugly. What matters, like says Swami Dayaananda, is the fact that there are alive bodies and dead bodies. And, if our are now really reading this page it is because you certainly must have a vivid body. That means you are alive! And if you are alive and aware of that, remember that there always will exist an Yoga method that may bring you benefits.
Yoga teaches us to think with our body: in ancient times, through a constant investigation, the yogis found out that physical exercises practiced in a ritual way (asanas, in Sanskrit) may cause enormous enfolding consequences. That means that it makes you ready to answer that question, “who am I?” in a different way of that “the same old idiot”.
The Hindus traditions teach us that in flesh exists conscience and that in conscience exists energy. The yogui searches the intelligence that is hidden in the flesh: this is the start point to find out who we really are.
Yoga wants to give a new body to whom practices it, a body which he himself will built cell by cell, fiber by fiber. Using this new body he will be able to go ahead with large steps in direction of illumination that is the aim of Yoga. The only thing we need is frame of mind and will power. An old Hindu proverb says that the real heroism is to conquer our own nature.
Then remember that your body is a very special home: the human body isn’t only an unconscious stuff or a skeleton inhabited by a narrow mind, but, instead, it is a lively reality stimulated by the same conscience that animates the universe. That is why we should stop seeing it as something different from our being \“invisible”\.
Think your body as a receiver of cosmic energy, an agglomeration of conscious atoms, built second the cosmos image. The conscience pulsates in each of our cells, it is present in all tissues.
Yoga says that you are genuine existence. Every cartesian division based in body-mind, flesh-spirit, and so on, is only conjectures. The diversity appears inside the unity, without separating itself from it. The existence is a continuity that extends itself from the spirit until the most dense aspect of the stuff.
The philosophy of yoga considers us like a reflex of the universe. The creative energy that builds the world is also present in the human being that is not dispersed nor different from it, because energy and conscience are not separated things.
Quantic physics agrees with yoga: the universe is an authentic sea of energy. If material stuff is in fact a vibrating reality, the human body, in consequence, as part of the material world, is also energy. Conscience and energy are two aspects of the same reality, And you are right here, alive, breathing…
Then, what are you waiting for to assume your divine state?