
Face What is More Urgent
Matthieu Ricard
Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill

When a painful emotion comes directly to us we spend lots of time looking for its cause, and then there are strong possibilities that it becomes bigger.

The most urgent is to face it cutting it off from the invading thoughts that incites it.

If we  just keep an eye into our own emotion, it will vanish gradually as the snow melts under the sun.

Besides, once the strength of the emotion gets smaller, the reasons that aroused it will not seem so dramatic  and  so we will have the opportunity  to leave the vicious circle of negative thoughts.


Doutorado em Genética Molecular pelo Instituto Pasteur.
Especialista e divulgador do Budismo no Ocidente.
Tradutor e editor de textos sagrados da Tradição Budista.
Interpréte francês de Sua Santidade o Dalai Lama. Fotógrafo.
Monge residente no Mosteiro de Schechen, no Nepal.

Photography by Matthieu Ricard

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